manavadhikar011@gmail.com |

Manav Adhikar Sangathan मानव अधिकार संगठन



  1. Regarding Police Administration
  2. The Complaint was not processed
  3. Illegal work
  4. Implicated in a smale case
  5. Violence after detention
  6. False bitter gourd cought
  7. Second police station
  8. Atrocities committed by prisoners
  9. Prisoner dies in jail
  10. Atrocities against any citizen of India
  11. Brother labor is child labor
  12. child marriage
  13. communal violence
  14. Murder or attempted murder for dowry and demand for dowry
  15. Kidnapping rape and murder
  16. Sexual harassment of women
  17. Humiliation and exploitation of women
  18. Corruption
  19. All complaints related to customer protection
  20. All complaints related to pollution
  21. All complaints against bribery

Complaint Form